First Meeting with PERANTIM Members

16 July 2019, Putrajaya

PERANTIM held its first meeting with its members at Menara MATRADE on 16th July 2019. The objective of the meeting was to introduce PERANTIM’s committee members to to newly registered members, deliver certificate of memberships by En. Abu Bakar Yusof, Senior Director, Export Promotion and Market Access Division, MATRADE, and to discuss on several issues currently being faced by industry players. The meeting was also done in order to gather feedback between industry players and committees on what kind of stand should PERANTIM take on certain issues (e.g. Halal Medical Device, SST).

Several government agencies such as MATRADE, Malaysia Industrial Development Authority (MIDA), Jabatan Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia), and SME Corporation Malaysia delivered their presentation during the event to members who were present. Their presentations can be accessed via the following link.

The entire meeting was recorded by a team from Star Medik Sdn Bhd and published on their Youtube Channel.

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